Java Full Stack Plus

Java Full Stack Plus


  • Course Overview: Comprehensive training to become a Java Full Stack Developer.
  • Objective: Equip students with the skills to develop both front-end and back- end components of web applications using Java.
  • Any Graduate or Post Graduate in any stream
  • Passionate to Work in IT Industry
  • Having Basic Computer Knowledge
  • Interested in Learning Programming
Course Duration
  • Duration: Typically ranges from 5 to 7 months, depending on the learning pace and depth of the course.
Course Fee
  • 46,000/- 36,000/-
Training Mode
  • Instructor-Led Offline Training
  • Instructor-Led Live Online Training
Capstone Project
  • Project Development: Build a full-fledged web application incorporating front-end and back-end technologies learned during the course.
  • Real-world Scenarios: Work on real-world problems and create practical solutions.
Learning Outcomes
  • Skill Acquisition: Mastery of both front-end and back-end technologies.
  • Portfolio Development: Completed projects to showcase to potential employers.
  • Job Readiness: Preparedness for roles such as Java Developer, Full Stack Developer, Software Engineer.
  • Completion Certificate: Awarded upon successful completion of the course and capstone project.
  • Industry Recognition: Certification acknowledged by employers.


Core Java
  • Introduction to Java
  • Java Language Fundamentals
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Exploring java.lang Package
  • Exception Handling
  • Multi Threading
  • Collection Framework
  • IO Streams
  • Enums & Annotations
  • Java 8 New Features
  • Java 9 New Features
  • Introduction to Databases
  • Exploring SQL and CURD Operations
  • Exploring Select Statement
  • Functions and SQL Operators
  • Database Constraints
  • Exploring Joins and Sub Queries
  • Working with Views and Indexes
  • Writing PL/SQL Blocks
  • Writing Stored Procedures
  • Writing Triggers
  • Database Design for JLC Bookstore


  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Steps to Write JDBC Programs
  • JDBC CURD Operations
  • Writing JDBC Utility Class
  • Statement
  • PreparedStatement
  • CallableStatement
  • Batch Updates
  • Forward-Only ResultSets
  • Scrollable ResultSets
  • Read-Only ResultSets
  • Updatable ResultSets
  • JDBC Transaction Management
  • JDBC Connection Management Techniques
  • JDBC and DAO Examples
  • Introduction to Servlets
  • Setup Tomcat 8.5 and Deploy Applications
  • Servlets Request Processing Flow
  • Welcome Files
  • Login and Register Use Case Implementation
  • Config, Context and Request Parameters
  • Exploring Servlet lifecycle process
  • Understanding RequestDispatcher
  • Exploring sendRedirect() method of HttpServletResponse
  • Servlet Thread Models
  • Exploring HttpRequest and HttpResponse
  • Understanding Clients Conversational State
  • Exploring JSESSIONID Cookie and Session Id
  • Exploring HttpSession
  • Exploring Cookies
  • Exploring URL Rewriting
  • Servlet Scopes
  • Implementing JLC BokStore Shopping Cart Use Case
  • Implementing Remember me Use Case
  • Introduction to JSP
  • JSP Lifecycle Process
  • Exploring JSP Translation to Servlet
  • JSP Scripting Elements
  • JSP Implicit Objects
  • Exploring JSP Directives
  • Exploring JSP Standard Actions
  • JSP Scopes and pageContext
  • Exploring EL Expressions
  • Understanding JSTL Core Tags
Mini Project 1
  • JDBC
  • Servlets
  • JSP
  • MVC Architecture
  • DAO and TO Design Patterns
  • Template and Singleton Patterns
Hibernate Framework
  • Introduction to Hibernate
  • Hibernate Features
  • Steps to Develop Hibernate Example
  • CRUD Operations with Hibernate
  • Primary Key Strategies – AUTO and IDENTITY
  • Understanding Collection Mapping
  • Loading, Fetching and Cascading Types
  • Understanding Inheritance Mapping
  • Understanding Association Mapping
  • Version and Timestamp Mapping
  • DAO + Hibernate Example with HibernateTemplate
  • BookStore – Mini Project with All Mappings
  • Exploring HQL and QBC
  • Exploring Native and Named Queries
Spring Framework
  • Introduction tp Spring
  • Exploring Spring IOC
  • Exploring Spring AOP
  • Spring Connection management
  • Spring DAO Support
  • Spring Data access with JDBC
  • Spring Data Access with Hibernate
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring REST API
  • Spring Security
Spring Boot
  • Spring Data Access and JDBC
  • Spring Data Access and Hibernate
  • Spring Data Access and JPA
  • Exploring Spring Data
  • Spring MVC with Boot
  • Spring REST with Boot
  • Actuators and Boot Admin
  • Async Communication with RabbitMQ
  • Async Communication with Kafka
MicroServices - Part 1
  • Introduction to MicroServices
  • Developing BookStore MS- V1.0
  • BookStore with RabbitMQ
  • BookStore with Actuators
  • BookStore with Boot Admin
  • Exploring Feign, Eureka and Ribbon
  • Working on Feign, Eureka and Ribbon
  • BookStore with Feign
  • BookStore with Eureka
  • BookStore with Ribbon
MicroServices - Part 2
  • Working with Hystrix
  • Working with ELK Stack
  • Working with Zuul
  • BookStore with Hystrix
  • BookStore with ELK Stack
  • BookStore with Zuul
  • Exploring Spring Cloud Config
  • Working Spring Cloud Config
  • Exploring Cloud Bus
  • BookStore with Cloud Config
Spring OAUTH2 Security - Part 1
  • Exploring Spring Security with Boot
  • Developing Spring Security with Spring Boot
  • Authentication Managers
  • In-memory Authentication Manager
  • JDBC Authentication Manager
  • LDAP Authentication Manager
  • Configuring HttpSecurity for Authorization
  • Security Processing Flow
  • Displaying Links as Per the Roles
Spring OAUTH2 Security - Part 2
  • Customizing Login page
  • Customizing Logout page
  • JDBC Authentication Manager
  • User Registration
  • Password Encoders
  • Introduction to OAuth2
  • OAuth2 Grant Types
  • Refresh Tokens
  • OAuth2 Clients
Mini Project 2
  • Spring MVC
  • Hibernate
  • MVC Architecture
  • DAO and TO Design Patterns
  • Template and Singleton Patterns
Web Development
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • Introduction to React JS
  • Creating and Running React Project
  • Exploring Files of React Component
  • Handling Events in React
  • Passing Data from One Component to Another
  • Different Types of Data Structures
  • Accessing Array of Complex Objects
  • Exploring Class Components
  • Class Component Lifecycle Methods
  • Exploring Functional Components
  • Exploring React Hooks
  • Exploring React Redux
  • Centralizing App Data with Context
  • React Forms and Routers
  • Making Async Calls to REST API
Mini Project 3
  • MERN
  • React JS
  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • MongoDB
Tools and Servers
  • Eclipse
  • Tomcat
  • Maven
  • Log4J
  • JUnit
  • GIT
  • GITHub
Major Project
  • ReactJS
  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • MySQL


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